CTHIM School of the Prophets is an intensive equipping program designed to evoke a venerated yearning for more of God. This training will challenge your devotion, enliven your pursuit, and launch you deeper into elated and lofty places in God. This book is for those called into the prophetic ministry. It is also for those interested in the prophetic and hungry for more! This training will help you grow in your prophetic calling through simple but effective applications.
If you desire more understanding on the prophetic ministry, its dimensions and its aim, then CTHIM School of Prophets is for you. Learn how to practice the presence of God, speak divine words, subdue environments, and dominate extant.
This Manual is excellent for teaching, training, and developing God's people who covet the gift of prophecy or those called into the office of a prophet.
Whether the gift, ministry, or office, you will be equipped, informed, and empowered to ascend into lofty habitations of consecration with Jesus. Your prophetic essence will flow out of intimacy with God unhindered by sub-astral limitations. Your true nature will dominate your experience and your expression will become divine.
What was the school of prophets?
The Old Testament mentions a school of prophets in 1 Samuel 19:18–24 and 2 Kings 2 and 4:38–44
First Samuel 19 mentions a company of prophets under Samuel’s leadership. The “group of prophets” in 1 Samuel 19 was under the equipping ministry school of the prophet Samuel.
In 2 Kings 2 Elijah is traveling with Elisha, and a group of prophets from Bethel tells Elisha that Elijah would be taken from him that day (verse 3). Another group of prophets at Jericho repeats the prophecy (verse 5), and a third group of prophets near the Jordan River also delivers the same message (verse 7). This third group of 50 men may have been a subset of the group of prophets at Jericho. After Elijah was taken up into heaven, Elisha reluctantly sent 50 of these prophets to search for Elijah for three days (verses 15–18).
This course provides a thorough overview of the prophetic office, ministry, and functions based on scriptures. The contents of this course are grounded on scriptures and based upon biblical substructure. God often speaks in diverse ways, but everything spoken by God will always have scriptural coherence and point us back to the bible.
We have five purposes for this training course.
- To help you understand God's mind, intention, and vision for your prophetic vocation and ministry within the biblical context.
- To help you understand your gifting, calling, and the character formation process requisite for effective operation.
- To assist you in developing a blueprint or operational template to implement your ministry.
- To activate your gifting, arouse your calling, and provide a safe environment to practice your abilities.
- In the end, you will be commissioned to go forth in power and authority of the Holy Spirit to fulfill your calling
You can buy Naioth: CTHIM School of Prophets Book and take this course from home via Zoom or Email. The prophetic school will aim at meeting the scriptural goal of "showing ourselves approved, workmen that need not be ashamed." (2 Timothy 2:15)
You can also attend the in-person training here in Grove City Ohio for the entire training. (CTHIM ministry does not provide accommodations for those attending in-person training. Links for hotels near our ministry and equipping center will be mailed to you for your consideration)
For online training please Register for Zoom training below: