Mission Statement


Matthew 9:35 
And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.
1 * Teach the church about how to return to foundational principles of repentance and holiness through santification, while we call the church to prepare herself as the pure, spotless, blameless bride that Christ is returning for.

2 * Reach the lost by preaching the gospel of the kingdom, making disciples across nations, races, cultures, and ethnic groups. We strive to equip the body of Christ in how to press in to the manifest glory of God for such a time as this.

3 *
Healing & Deliverance. Through our Bethesda House of healing , we teach and minister healing & deliverance prayers for the sick and the oppressed.  We equip  ministry teams in the operation of the Gifts of the Spirit.

We believe that God has a plan for every life, one precious person at a time. Everything we do is motivated by this passion!
 Every ministry has a unique calling, and we believe ours is as follows:

1. A spiritual Refuge. A refuge of hope, healing and restoration .  A place of healing, recovery and restoration for the whole man – Spirit, Soul and Body.  A place where those who are hurting, those with broken hearts, shattered lives, those living without hope.Can find healing, and freedom in the word of  God through powerful and life transforming teachings.Our purpose is to help those who recognize the need to make a drastic life change in order to be set free in Jesus name from drugs and alcohol, or other issues of anger, failure, rejection, doubt and any other life-controlling problems using faith based spiritual propositions and concepts. We are reviving dreams and restoring hope.

2. A Training Center. A place where believers will be discipled, trained and raised up to “do the work of the ministry.” A place where we can learn to flow in our God-given gifts and callings, and also learn to hear the voice of the Lord for ourselves.

3. Outreaches. A place where God can network and connect us together with other homogeneous, like minded Churches, Ministries and Organizations, to build a network to reach out and serve our community with the love of Jesus Christ. Together we can make a difference and help people to dream again.

We believe God has a plan for every life, but many fall short of it. Our vision is to provide a place of encouragement and instruction to overcome the broken hearts and shattered lives of the past.