Cultivating God's Presence through Worship
Prayer & Worship

Many say they want to know God intimately and to see His glory. But only few are willing to sacrifice or pay the price to receive that depth of illumination and revelation that comes with an intimate walk with the Lord. There is a price to be paid for the dwelling and abiding presence of God. 
When a yielded vessel is purified and sanctificatified through the working of the HolySpirit, then dedicated to God.  He or She can be effective for the asignment.

Prophet Isaiah states,
“In the shadow of His hand He hid me; He made me into a polished arrow and concealed me in His quiver.” (Isaiah 49:2)

If you sense a yearning for  intimacy with God and a radical equipping for your ministry and calling then “ CTHIM Church ” is for you.  CTHIM Church/Ministry is an equiping ministry. Experience worship, revelation through the word, learn how to walk in intimacy with the Lord Jesus Christ. Challenge yourself to go deeper in the Lord.
     Dynamic teaching , training and Equipping
 Application of God’s truth through his word in your life
 Healing & Deliverance Prayers 
You must book an appointment
(614) 206 2855
CTHIM Church
click here for map/directions