Evangelist Brett Wilder, Evangelist/Revivalist
cell: 614 206 2855
Email: calltoholiness@cthim.org

Evangelist Brett, called and trained by Jesus Christ as a Soldier of Jesus Christ in this end-time, anointed with HOLY GHOST and POWER. Brett is raised by God and endowed with the anointing to demonstrate the raw power of God through healing and deliverance in this generation. He has a passion to see souls being saved, healed, delivered and restored for the glory of God. In his ministry as a revivalist and evangelist
he has witnessed an increase in manifestations of spiritual gifts such as miracles, all types of healings,  discernment of spirits and words of knowledge. Brett is apart of Healing and deliverance team at CTHIM Church. Brett remains humble and faithfully serves with CTHIM Church Grove City Ohio under the leadership of Prophet Theodore Aluoch
